In this episode of Lykken on Leadership, we have Jack Karaszewski, EVP Business Development at XINNIX and he shares his decades of wisdom and experience within the mortgage industry.
About XINNIX, the Mortgage Academy
XINNIX aims to energize and transform individuals, teams, and organizations to elevate their thinking, accelerate their performance, and experience incredible results.
As the former president of five different mortgage companies, Jack has over 40 years of experience in markets across the country. His resume and sterling reputation of leadership, success, and team building have made him one of the industry’s most respected and knowledgeable mortgage professionals.
When he was captain of his college basketball team at the University of Buffalo, he led his fellow players to two NCAA tournaments. Now, he uses his unparalleled understanding of the market to lead XINNIX customers toward success. Jack specializes in providing consultations with clients to guide them toward the programs and services that will fit their needs and deliver their desired ROI.
Jack lives with his wife Lynn in Alpharetta, Georgia, and is the proud father of Jennie, Brian, and Eric. He is also grandfather to Luke and Julia. Jack has a passion for golf and spends his free time exploring the best courses across the country.
Excerpts from this Interview:
Listen: Defining Leadership…
Listen: Becoming one of the biggest buyers of mortgages in the country…
Listen: We never wanted to be average, we wanted to be top-tier in everything…
Listen: Everything rises and falls with leadership…
Listen: The four things to focus on that will generate revenue for you today…
Listen: $4500 per loan… $8900+ total cost origination… Focus on doing 5-7 things better…
Listen: Moving the middle tier up is how you hit a home run…
Listen: Hire the right people and give them the ability to succeed…
Listen: Contact information for Jack Karaszewski…